People reviewing this with angry reviews dont seem to understand how it works. You use keys to unlock words, and each key shows you a possible word in your game. The app gives you several FREE KEYS, then you have to pay for EACH KEY that unlocks a word that you can use; the payment they ask for DOES NOT GIVE UNLIMITED WORDS that you can play in WWF. Other reviewers keep saying that they paid their $1.99 (or whatever it is now), and then it charged them again a few words later....Yes, since you are buying KEYS to unlock words, not unlimited access to free words, it is going to ask you to pay every time you use up all of your keys. This app should not be used for every single game that you are playing anyway...what is the fun in cheating on WWF like that? The point of WWF is to have a fun competition with other people and flex your vocabulary and brain...if you are using it for every game, you should probably give up and go play something that doesnt require as much brainpower. This app is something to use ONCE IN A WHILE if you are really stuck and cannot find a good word, but dont rely on it for every game- take it from someone who plays 10-15 games of WWF at a time...knowing that your opponent is using a cheat takes the fun out of the game (even if you are both using it), and if you are using it without telling your opponent, then you are just a cheating douchenozzle, and you deserve to suffer torture by spider bites....
Sweets08816 about Words with EZ Cheats